Birding Trails of Barataria-Terrebonne
For more information about the following sites, please visit the Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation, and Tourism.
The Atchafalaya Loop
Birding sites along the Atchafaylaya Loop:
- Atachafaylaya Welcome Center, Butte LaRose
- Lake Fausse Pointe State Park
- Atchafaylaya Basin West Containment Levee
- Indian Bayou Natural Area
- Sherburne Wildlife Management Area
- South Farm Unit, Sherburne WMA

The Grand Isle Loop
Birding sites along the Grand Isle Loop:
- Fourchon Road Complex
- Gulf Stream Marina
- Grand Isle Port Commission Property
- Bobby Santiny Property
- The Nature Conservancy Lafitte Woods – Grillette Tract
- The Nature Conservancy Lafitte Woods – Sureway Tract
- Landry House B&B
- The Nature Conservancy Lafitte Woods – LSU Tract
- Bradberry Property
- Exxon-Mobil Fields and Pond
- Grand Isle State Park
Click here to download the map of the Grand Isle Loop in Adobe format. Grand Isle Loop 6-30-04

The St. Mary Loop
Birding sites along the St. Mary Loop:
- Morgan City Walking Trail
- Victor Guarisco Lake End Park
- Brownell Memorial Park & Carillon Tower
- Stephensville Road (Hwy 1397)
- Berwick Walking Trails
- Cotton Road at Kemper Williams Park
- Cajun Coast Visitors & Convention Bureau
Click here to download the map above in Adobe format. St. Mary Loop 7-6-04

The Terrebonne Loop
Birding sites along the Terrebonne Loop:
- Lumen Christi Retreat Center
- Mandalay Refuge Nature Trail
- Pointe Au Chien WMA
- Marguerite Moffet Sanctuary
- Hwy. 57 & Falgout Canal Rd
Click here to download the map above in Adobe format.Terrebonne Loop 7-6-04

The Barataria Loop
Birding sites along the Barataria Loop:
- Bayou Segnette State Park
- Barataria Preserve, Jean Lafitte National Park
- Jean Lafitte Nature Study Park
- Victoria Inn & Gardens
- Brechtel Park
- Woodlands Trail & P
- Fort Jackson
- Old Tidewater Rd.
Click here to download the map above in Adobe format.Barataria Loop 8-6-04