Celebrate the return of migratory birds in Grand Isle, Louisiana!
Grand Isle is Louisiana’s only inhabited barrier island. In the center of this small coastal community remains what is left of their wooded groves, also known as chenieres or maritime forests. After flying 600 miles across the gulf, migratory birds stop at the first land they come across to rest and refuel. In addition to chenieres, these coastal stopover habitats include barrier beaches, tidal mudflats, and marsh ponds, all important habitat to a myriad of bird species. Louisiana so happens to be smack dab in the middle of the great Mississippi River Valley Migratory flyway, a route over which millions of birds use twice a year in their annual migrations. Grand Isle is a perfect place to witness the magic of bird migration.The Grand Isle Community Development Team plans and sponsors the celebration annually to correspond with peak bird migration in April. This event is also supported by the Louisiana Nature Conservancy, Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program, Avian Events Support Team, and the Grand Isle Rotary Club.
For more information about the festival visit http://www.townofgrandisle.com/.